Thursday, November 21, 2013

morning is whipping around in the wind.  i'm trying to get the motivation to head over to the studio.  it's early, although it feels earlier than it is because of the darkness.  this time of year is a continual string of production.  and i love it.  i'm making things i haven't made since last year at this time.  little paper tags.  napkins.  cards and handmade envelopes.  as well as the quilts.  always the quilts. 
my quilting machine has been giving me a bit of a rough ride this week.  my friend megan, who is both an extraordinary quilter and a mechanic of sorts with these monster machines, is coming to help me today.  hopefully we'll get it humming again.  and this afternoon i'm driving out to liv's goat farm.  
every year liv turns her huge farm kitchen into a shopper's paradise.  handmade treasures tucked into every nook.  her soap and her goats are the main attraction.  but she has a collection of goodies that compares to an evening on etsy. 
the doors open tomorrow, friday november 22 at 10 am.  and she's there all weekend until sunday at 5.  it's a lovely drive in the country.  the address is: liv simple farms, 431 cowdy rd, enterprise ontario. if you need it, here's a map  



  1. It's the season here to take your quilt out of my drawer and cover an old sofa. And it's comfortable to lay on there feeling weaken and soft winter sunlight.
    Have a good Sunday from Japan.

    1. i love to think of you with your elegant black and white quilt. we are expecting a huge winter storm here tonight,...we have extra quilts on our bed!
