Tuesday, May 22, 2012

yesterday i painted. i opened the little wooden box i bought in paris 19 years ago. the little box where i'd glued down the watercolor godets i'd been buying from the sennelier store across the river from the louvre. the little box i carried with me everywhere for a decade or more. but i haven't painted in years. it was once almost all i did. a day didn't pass without painting. but my dream shifted, i grew older and my need to paint began to fade. the oils dried up. the brushes sat ruined in thick congealed mud-colored turp. but it was never too far from my thoughts and now the itch is beginning to return. yesterday the watercolors from my paris days, opened on the porch swing, and paper and books and brushes. i painted.


  1. Beautiful painting, it's gorgeous. I can see that among all the other creative things you do that painting can also be added to your repertoire!

  2. How wonderful that you picked up your brushes opened your old water colours and painted. A great painting too. well done.
    Its such a wonderful calming hobby.
    look forward to seeing more.

  3. I LOVE the watercolor photograph sosososo much! I love shots of.brushes and old paints... The tools of making art. Yumm. So happy you are making a space in your busy creative life, for your old friend;)

  4. I appreciate your painting and find I am also very drawn to your photo of the box itself, I can so see this blown up large onto canvas...

  5. Wonderful story of your paint box!
