Friday, July 20, 2012

pulling a sweater over my arms this morning had sadness in it. the break in the heat is a good thing. but the chill in the breeze reminded me that my barefoot days don't go on forever. and being knocked out with this cold and using all the energy i have at the studio, has left my house messy. dishes at the sink. unfolded laundry. and clutter in the living room and library. it's been worse. much worse. but in the summer i love having a freshness and the ease of tidyness through the house. i don't have that right now, but i'll get it back by the weekend (or on the weekend).
i'm quite ornery when it comes to my home and my aesthetic. people who love the charm and the authentic quality of age and the stories it tells, feel at home with our house right away. but for the most part, people who casually walk past our house have a mistaken idea that it's in rough shape. that someone needs to buy it and fix it up. i hear it all the time. the look of age that i lovingly foster, looks like neglect to most. and when i invite people in, they are inevitably surprised that it is roomy and comfortable and energetic and warm. and not shack-like. it amuses me. it tickles the rebel in me. i think the artist in me is quite certainly still a child!


  1. "You can't judge a book my its cover." I have to admit that I've seen some pretty deteriorating outside looking homes but I can also tell you that when we had to re-locate and find other houses that looks can be deceiving. We would drive up to a house that had a yard so well manicured that it could have been in a magazine and upon entering the inside was a shamble! I even turned around and walked back out of a couple because they were so bad. So, you can never tell from the outside what's on the inside. :)

  2. That is exactly how I hope my house is too! I love it and wish more people dared to be the same ,instead of following the crowd.

  3. I know exactly how you feel, and love you for it!
