Sunday, June 10, 2012

i have found a white room. empty, save for a low chair beside the window. a window high in the trees that almost reaches the floor. and a room that devours me in it's whiteness. there is silence if you let the birdsounds go unnoticed. and i write the same sentence six different ways. i read it again and write it a seventh. i see all seven versions because i don't let computers in this room. i have a pen. and i wonder if the sentences will ever fill pages. and if the pages will ever tell a story. and i wonder if i just told one.


  1. I have always wanted a room like that. I would add a cot for naps.

  2. you did and it feels good that whiteroom of yours, x

  3. Congratulations on your white room. May it inspire you...oh wait, it already has.

  4. This post is so beautiful, it made me cry.

  5. I believe you just did! Silence is a welcome friend. I can always think much better in a room devoid of noise and clutter. Some of my best thoughts come from an empty room! ~

  6. I saw the name of your blog on a friends blog, thats what drew me here but its your beautiful words and photos that made me become a follower, I really enjoyed my visit today!

  7. A wise woman once said - All you need is a place, a space... small and quiet and all your own.... (My Nanna xxx)

  8. Ever since reading A Room of One's Own, I've valued private quiet space.
